Friday, September 5, 2008

Just Realized

With my mother on her way to my house, I just realized that we only have one comfortable chair in the living room in which to plant one's butt.

Our couch is dead.

We have our dining room table in there with six chairs (eventually, the living room as we know it will be a dining room), but my husband's recliner is still in there.

Where's the fairness in that?

1 comment:

  1. AWwww you need a new couch! I love craigslist and goodwill for fabulous furniture finds!!

    I wanted to tell you that I sooooo appreciate you checking my blog and writing me comments each time I have a new post---it really means the world to me that you follow my little life! :) you are just awesome!!! *big hugs!*

    I know you are going through some tough stuff right now, but keep your head up---the sun will peek through the clouds....PROMISE.

    You are just the bestest!

    *BIG BEAR HUGS! Oh, and a mid-air 80s jump*
    That one was for you!
